
If your wifi seems more like why?Fi? on your Raspberry Pi with RaLink adapter...

I've been banging my head against this one: My v2 home grown home automation system is running on a few Raspberry Pi A+, and some of them are running the RaLink R... wifi USB units. Networking seemed flaky. From the Raspberry Pi, everything works as it should, but incoming requests are frequently dropped or terribly slow as described here . The solution for me seems to be to turn off the power saving feature of the USB wifi dongle, and I managed to do it with the advice from here : Add the following line below the wpa_conf line in the /etc/network/interfaces file: wireless-power off For the moment, I think my problems have disappeared like mist before the sun :)

Happy moment for this amateur photographer

I love a challenge. And I get a great buzz when doing something fairly unique. Please allow me to exercise my bragging right, just for a moment: Many moons ago, one of my photos (evidence, see url ) was adopted my Microsoft as a desktop picture in Windows XP. And yesterday, Google's Santa Tracker did a similar thing, just have a look at Trafalgar Square's Christmas tree. (Or, perhaps you'd like a slightly better version , or some of my other photospheres .) Spot my lovely yellow bike :) Well - let me use this opportunity to wish you all a very, very Happy Christmas! May it be a fantastic time for you and your loved ones, and may you experience a bit of the original magic of the incredible gift we've all been given.

Hot desk check-in with QR code & App Script

We’re moving to a new office where we’ll all live at hot desks… a first for this Alfred for… oh… forever. I even had my own desk at school, I think. We all love change, right? ;) So - to make this a bit less of a big change for us, I thought of creating a simple app to make it easy to know where my work friends are. Use case: I walk up to my desk, check in quickly and easily, and then when my friends want to find me, they should have a quick way to do that. Solution stack: Below is a very quick and simple implementation of just such a tool, using Google forms, QR codes, a simple App Script and G+. Implementation: Create a simple form with just one question, asking for your desk location. Ensure the form requires authentication from your Google Apps domain. You could just get people to open the URL and select the desk, which would work. But I'm opting to put QR codes on the desks, each pointing to a pre-filled in form. This means a Googler could simp...

Saving images from DSO MINI v2 ossiloscope

At Google, there is a fantastic tool to reward employees for going the extra mile to help... called a peer bonus . It really helps driving the right behaviour.  So - when I recently received one of these, I bought myself a DSO Nano . It's a fantastic little pocket sized oscilloscope that have now been so beneficial in understanding some of the electronics that cross my path. E.g. most recently, I could not get a DS18B20 to talk to my Raspberry Pi A+ (as part of my home automation ), but hooking the DSO to the pins quickly made me realise I had a poor power connection to thermometer. The DSO (Digital storing oscilloscope) should be able to *store*... and it does... but until today I've not been able to get the DSO Nano to write to the Micro SD card. Well, now it does :) How? I'm running BenF Firmware v 3.64  I've got a micro SD card that is 2GB (some struggled with more than 2GB) The instructions is, imho not clear on the steps to capture an image,...

Think small business is easy? Think again.

I've had a conversation over lunch for a few colleagues about small businesses where I've been closely involved in, and some of the things small business owners have to deal with. Here are some abbreviated lowlights. Of course the real situation is more complex (and painful!), but I hope this serves as a reminder how remarkable any small business owner is, even if they are just surviving! Staff   In one business, we had a really good engineer, who quickly added a huge amount of business development value over his expected technical role, simply because of who he knew. He introduced us to a patent lawyer who was efficient and quick, he introduced us to a very senior decision maker in the largest customer, he gave us very deep insights into a tender before it was published, he gave us some magic differentiators we did not expect, he even got one of our biggest suppliers from the US to fly over and show us their yet-to-be-launched latest technology. The only hiccup ...

Google static beam: The explanation

This video has been hitting the headlines about a strong static electric field at Google... and there are many rumours about what it might be. I'll tell you what it is: Even if some long-term Googlers might get jaded and accustomed to this effect to the point where they might not notice it, but I still get it every day I walk into Google... (just like 0xA1F days ago on my first visit while I was still working at Microsoft!). And ask anyone who have been visiting the office... the electric vibe in the office is strong and very much alive. It's not really just a bit of magic in the air: It's a spirit of optimism, energy, fun, surprise, expectation to make the world a better place... all things that I love about working at Google. And if you watch closely at the video... I suspect enough Googlers where on the balcony that the vibe just spilled over the edge onto passers by. If you are sceptical, just swing by for one of Mo's legendary breakfasts... and you'll feel t...

Pi in the sky, recording just how hot this is!

Tada! I've got my Raspberry Pi measuring and storing temperature data in Google Cloud SQL. And I'm pretty excited that it was possible (even simple) for a simple soul like myself. For context: I've been working on automating my home with home-grown technology, mostly Arduino (or Atmega328) based, but got more and more frustrated with the pain to connect these different Arduinos to get it anything close to "smart". So, I recently turned my attention to Raspberry Pi: The cost and complexity of Arduino + networking (of any sort) quickly exceeded the price of a Pi. In moving to Pi, I decided to also build my stuff around OpenHab because it gives me the abstraction I'm looking for to deal with the many different things I want to control. It also gives, for free, Android and Web UIs to help control things. But the action above does not leverage OpenHab yet. BTW - My electricity bill is extortionately high (because of poor home insulation and design), so...