Field trip for the Xoom
My primary acquiring a Xoom, was to allow me to travel and work more productively while traveling. I already mentioned the VC and second screen bonus , but yesterday was a good opportunity to put it through it's paces and test it on a "field" trip. Yesterday, I traveled from home to Heathrow (taxi) to Munchen (fly) to Salzburg (train), had a long (productive) meeting and came back the same route. All in all, I travelled about 12 hours + 3 hours of meeting, and during the travelling I was working on the Xoom most of the time. So, it was working hard! The key observations were: The Xoom's battery life pretty much matched the Nexus S. At 10am, power was down to 75% on both devices, 60% at noon, 40% at 3pm and dead about 6pm (12 hours into the day). I could replace the battery in the Nexus S with a spare, but that's not an option on the Xoom.
The screen and display of the Xoom was beautiful and always usable in all light conditions.
The folding case disa...