Notes on BMJ presentation by Googler Alfred Biehler

Thank you to the BMJ for the wonderful opportunity to present the keynote #qfk4 at the International Forum for Quality and Safety in Healthcare #quality2015.

It was a real privilege and honour to share the stage with HRH The Royal Princess and other distinguished presenters and experts.

The content below is intended to provide links for further reading to support the presentation I delivered yesterday at Excel, London.

Part 1: recent changes in technology that opens up new opportunities

With the story of Mihir Garimella and his cheap quadcopter, I highlighted four huge shifts in technology:
  1. Smaller
  2. cheaper
  3. more connected 
  4. and smarter (using data and processing power to become more relevant, proactive and our of the way)
This change was mostly driven by the growth of mobile phones.

As examples, I discussed
I posed the question: If your biggest projects had no cost constraints, had all the data you could dream of, had all the processing power you needed or could be as small (or big) as you wanted... what would you be able to do then? And... is it possible that technology can meet those dreams?

Part 2: Three behaviours I try and encourage 

To enable massive change, I'd think we need to consider these three behaviours based on what I've observed at Google and in our most innovative customers:

Allow people the freedom to dream and pursue their passions

Fail fast and productively

As leaders, we should provide a safe environment to allow teams and people to fail fast. Failing fast is cheap.
For more on this from Google, see this.
For an excellent blog dedicated to the topic of failing productively, see the blog of my friend and previous mentor and boss, Bruce Lynn's blog.

Think 10x

Self driving car: Steve Mahan

Part 3: My expectation of the future

I expect for technology to continue to shrink and get cheaper, smarter and better connected. I expect technology would become easier to use and more intuitive. I expect technology to become more proactive and predictive, more relevant (as already seen in Google Inbox).

And I expect, hope and dream of better healthcare because of the great work done by the medical world, adopting these ideas.


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